Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Here is a preview.


  1. I've never seen this movie before but looking at the trailer I think that it's going to be a really touching journey about a kid who no one believes in and somehow finds his way. In a way, I think this movie will be very similar to The Pursuit of Happiness. I look forward to seeing it.

  2. Iv seen the movie before and it is a wonderful story of love and the persistence of never letting go of your childhood. When a person is poor it doesnt necesarily mean that they will always be poor. They can be smart enough and have enough faith to get them out of their surrent situation.

  3. I've seen the movie, i believe its the first look and understanding of India's culture. First time i watched it, i finally understood what other countries go through and i learned not to complain about what i have. Because the poverty and how they had kids in the movie begging for money on the streets. It was a good movie with a kid going on a journey from being this run down and poor kid, to winning a million dollars on a game show and how he fights for the girl he truely loves.

  4. I viewed this trailer and I think it looks at the main moments of the movie and how powerful it is. The power of love is so strong for Jamal that he sacrifices alot to find Latika. This movie has helped me to understand poverty a little bit more and what it is like for these brothers. Salim and Jamal have nothing and salim chooses the gang path while Jamal is himself and is caught up in love. Jamal has stronger caring caracter and this is what makes him famous.

  5. In the beginning of the trailer, 4 answers come up and they say that he either a) cheated b) hes lucky c) He is a genius d) It is destiny, and destiny was the answer. Telling by the title it shows that a person from the Slums of India, ends up finding his way in life, and he becomes a very happy person. He probably overcomes a lot of adversity to help him get as far as he does.

  6. The trailer shows the important moments in the movie. Right at the beginning of the trailer it shows 4 answers to a question. The last answer D)it is destiny is the right answer. That is because he lives every moment of the questions that are on who wants to be a millionaire. The main reason he went on who wants to be a millionaire is because he wanted to find Latika again after they separated at the beginning of the movie.

  7. I have seen this movie before and I loved it. I feel like it helped show what is really go on in the world. We complain about the smallest problems, yet arcoss the world their are people struggling to make it another day. Jamal's quest to find Latika is a great risk, but he did it because he loved her. I feel like Jamal helped prove himself throughout this movie. He was doubted by so many and by the end of the movie they got a slap in the face. People doubted that he could never win a million dollars because he was from the slums. Slumdogs are considered stupid. He is also doubted by Salim. Salim looks down on him, he thinks he is stupid for keeping his hopes up about Latika. He tells him to just move on because he will never get her back. Yet, at the end of the story Latika is safe inthe arms of Jamal, just like his million dollars.

  8. I thought the movie was mint. The trailer really catches the important scenes without revealing too much of the story at the same time. It still keeps you interested. The trailer is like a girl's skirt -
    "long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to keep one interested"

  9. Alright, so we just finished watching the movie in class and i'd like to say that it was an overall good film the ending was kind of cliche, kind of repetitive. The trailer i felt wouldn't really have caught my attention if i were to see it on tv. What i did like about the movie just like what everyone else has said is that you get a new perspective on other cultures. I had no idea what it was like in India before i watched this movie so that was really what kept me hooked. Learning about a new culture and how important it is to cherish what you have.

  10. I watched the trailler and finished the film at my class. In my perspective, as long as his destiny was ditermined, there wouldn't be any way to fail the show. As pros and cons, it could simply bring possibility and ability to take over his future within equally given chances. Otherwise, it brings the idea that wealth or happiness are relied on destiny, not a someone's capacity or endeavor. I have studied the indian class system since I was 10, and it seems there is no way to take over this own class, social status which is given in birth. Most people execpt Indians would think this movie motivates people to earn money with luck, but the answer noted in the movie, 'It is destiny' doesn't corresponds to indians. Mr.Peck showed us one of the actor's house was tore down, and it explains nothing but destiny.

  11. Before I saw this film I thought it would be decent considering it won best picture. However, I was disappointed when I watched it and realized it sucked. I really didn't think it was that special, except for the emotional ending. Basically it uses catchy music, and a lot of scenes where the characters are just running around in the nasty slums. I don't think that is worthy of a best picture academy award.

  12. Just from watching this movie trailer i get the chills from an amazing moment or something that happens in life. I have already seen this great film and watching the trailer pushes me to watch it again because of how they show what life and destiny really means.

  13. Even though this film is fairytail that would never happen, I found that believing in destiny is powerful. Therefore, I was happy for Jamal and Latika. I learned about Indian culture and reality of poors. I also realize how lucky I am to live in blessed life with comfort.

  14. this is a very good trailer. the movie seems interesting and i think i would go and see it. it seems like the protagonist is going to figure out a lesson in his life. he will probably struggle in learning it though. from this movie you get to see how other cultures live.

  15. I think the preview captures most of the important plot of the movie. It also shows the importance of the concept, destiny, in this movie. Though some of the parts of the movie was not included in the preview, it still covers most of the plots.

  16. I believe the trailor to this movie shows the main ideas about the movie really well. This movie relates really well to Sidhartha with the idea of wisdom. Jamal uses his wisdom to find the answers to the questions.

  17. I think the trailer portrays the intensity of the film very well. It is suspenseful and original, and after finishing the actual movie, i think the trailer did a really good job of advertising the film.

  18. I have seen this film many times. The trailer is a great portrayal of the entire movie. The way that they use the gameshow question to introduce the movie is absolutely awesome. I advise any of the people out there who haven't seen the movie to go out and buy it and watch it ASAP.

  19. This trailer is a very good one because it depicts many good scenes from the actual movie. I could see how the movie would go through; one kid who was extremy poor becomes wealthy at the end. How it depicts about the relationship between Jamal and Latika was great as well. The trailer had a good portrayal and summary about the movie.
