Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jamal vs. Siddhartha

Early in the film we see the young Jamal dive into a latrine pit to steal a glimpse at a visiting movie star. How does his single-mindedness to see this movie star reveal his determination? What other examples do you see in the film of his determination? Is Siddhartha likewise determined?


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  2. He obviously thnks this star is a graeat role model of what he wants to become when he is older. His determination to see this star tells us that he is willing to do anything to get where he wants to be because he has nothing to loose since nothing is expected of him to begin with. Other examples would be when he goes on the millionair show to have Latika see him and his persistance to free her fromthe bonds of her new huband. Siddhartha is determined in a different way by questioning things that he has learned and asking what is the point of this.

  3. When Jamal is in the latrine everyone in the theater gave repulsive expressions. This shows that out of many people he is one of many few that would submerge himself in feces to come in contact with his hero. Throughout the film Jamal continuously shows acts of bravery. For example, when he is supposed to sing, and then the man would blind him to get sympathy money. However, with his brother he escaped and brought the girl along too. In comparison with Siddhartha, he encounters trails that lead to dead ends, yet he continuously makes his own path. In the end he reaches his goal of enlightenment.

  4. Jamal is unquestionably for the fourth time (considering I have already wrote this three and it did not post because this is awful) determined...yes, im steamin' (The other two post were a lot longer, but now its pointless consdering I cannot copy or paste thus, not enabling me to write it on Word 2007 first, then pasting it here)

    Anyway, besides this websites mental problem, Jamal is very determined as you can see because he jumps in poop to get an autograph and also saves Latrika as we learn from her soon-to-be husband. His brother also shows this throughout the film by throwing some kind of anesthetic into the evil mans eyes and burning his face, meanwhile while him and Jamal his brother escape for the first time. Siddhartha, in many ways is like Jamal, for he too is determined as we see from his actions straight from the beginning of the novel and strong-willingness by leaving behind the Buddha himself along with Kamala and the Samanas.

  5. Jamal is a courageous and very independent person he fights for what he believes in, and he jumped in poop just so he could get the autograph from his biggest hero. and he also saves Latrika from the awful men several times, and doesn't stop until she is safe and with him once again. Siddhartha in ways is like Jamal, because he fights for the things he believes is right, and in the book he leaves Buddha behind along with Kamala and the Samanas. Jamal left his brother behind as he got older, he believed the only thing he needed was Latrika.

  6. Jamal jumping into the latrine shows his caracter as a person and how much he is determined to get this autograph of the movie star. Another example of Jamals determination is his effort to find Latika and how many people he asks to find her. In comparison with Siddhartha, he encounters trails that lead to dead ends, but he continuously makes his own path. In the end he reaches his goal of enlightenment. Jamal has many goals and his main one is to create a better life for Latika and on his path he runs into road blocks like his brother Salim.

  7. Jamal is determined to get what he wants and he will do everything in his power to do so. He loved this movie star so he did whatever it took to get his autograph. Same happens when he looks for Latika or wins the money. The head of the program tells him to stop but he keeps on going to get what he came there for - Money, lots of money. Siddhartha is kind of the same way because he does whatever he can to reach enlightenment which he does.

  8. Jamal jumping into the lartine shows that he isn't going to let anybody stop him from reaching his goal. He wants to meet the movie star so badly that he goes to great extremes to get a chance to meet him. This determination is continued throughout the movie as Jamal persistantly pursues Latika throughout his life until they are finally together at the end.

  9. Jamal shows that he has the qualities of a strong dtermined boy. When he was in the litrine wanting to escape and meet his favourite actor, he showed that he was going to do what he had to do to meet his hero. He was faced with the challenge of escaping the latrine, yet the door was blocked, so he couldnt escape. What brought out his qualities was that he jumped into the waste, submerging himself, so he could meet his hero.

  10. To Jamal this movie star is his idle and he wants nothing more than to get an autograph from him. Nothing will stop him from doing this, even when his brother locks him in the latrine. He shows his determination throughout the movie when he constantly tries to find Latika. He has come back to the town that he once lived in with Maman just to find her. Siddhartha is also determined and he shows this by never giving up on himself. He does not like what the paradise with Kamala was doing to him, so he simply left to start a knew life and find his goal of being enlightened.

  11. Ever since Jamal was a little boy he has been determined. We saw him jump into a pile of feces to recieve his heros autograph. After his people are attakced because they are Muslims, his mother is killed and Salim and him are left to fend for themselves. This is when he meets Latika. Latika is like the reason he gets up everyday. He is determined to find her when he loses her. He will not sleep until she is by his side. Jamal has been determined to get her back, he has risked his life for her. Siddahrtha is similar to Jamal because he is also determined. Siddhartha is determined to reach nirvana, be enlightened. There are many road blocks along the way just like Jamal. In the end they both find what they are looking for, Latika and enlightenment.

  12. Jamal and Siddhartha are both very strong willed. We see this strength in Jamal when he would rather jump into the latrine than not get the autograph. Throughout the course of the film, Jamal’s main goal is to be with Latika, with his persistent determination he is able to be with her. We see this strength in Siddhartha through his constant perseverance, despite his many trials.

  13. Someone that is willing to jump into feces just to see someone for 2 seconds is obviously quite determined. Later in the movie he continued to pursue Latika until he found her. That is another example of determination. Siddhartha is very much like Jamal, he too is very persistent and will not give up until he has achieved what it is that he is seeking. Although Siddhartha comes to so-called "road blocks", he manages to find a pay to pursue his goal and intern he reached enlightenment.

  14. By jumping into a pile of poop he shows that he is determined to reach his goal no matter what. You can also see his determination in the film by all that he does to be together with Latika. Siddhartha is the same way because he is absolutely determined to reach nirvanna no matter what that means doing.

  15. When Jamal wants to see his favorite movie star he jumps in a big pile of poop just to see the movie star. Later in the movie Jamal also shows alot of bravery that help him find Latika over and over. Siddhartha also goes down many roads to find his way of enlightenment. Many of the roads ended in a dead end but he found his own path.

  16. Personally, i would NEVER jump into a latrine just to get a famous person's autograph. It just proves how determined he is just like later in the film he does whatever it takes to be with his true love Latika. He gets beat up, and is on a show he doesn't even care about. The only reason he even went on the show was because he knew she would be watching and would be able to find her again later on. In my opinion yes he is related to Siddhartha because they are both determined to find that one goal which in Jamal's case its Latika and Siddhartha's case its enlightenment. They both go through struggles to reach the final goal.

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  18. When jumped into the latrine dump it really truly shows his determination to meet this movie star. Many people would go to extreme extents to meet a movie star, but this is over the line, and someone who would do this is someone who would give their life do get what they want. This can be compared to later on in the movie when he goes to extremes and throws his life on the line in order to try to be with Latika. He went on who wants to be a millionaire to try to eventually be linked He up with Latika again and he risked his life of getting tortured just to know that he might have the smallest chance of meeting up with her again. Siddharthas determination can be compared to this because Siddhartha wanted to reach nirvana, and he gave up everything he had before just to reach this goal. He spent the main part of his life trying to reach this goal and that just shows the determination that they share.

  19. i feel like i wouldn't be the guy to jump into a latrine pit, however there is no doubt that jamal is determined to get that autograph. jamal also never gives up on latika and in the end gets what he wants. siddhartha is also a very determined guy because he never gives up on enlightenment, he may take some different paths then the others but in the end also ends up with what he set out for in the first place

  20. When Jamal jumped into the latrine, it proved he was determined to get what he wants.Jamal rellay wanted that autograph and didn't care what consequences came from it,like smelling bad. His smell got him through the crowd and the autograph. Another way he proves his determination is his quest to find Latika. Jamal knows he loves Latika and he wants to find her so badly and be with her. Siddhartha and Jamal are both determined because they know what they want out of situation and they go through whatever it takes to achieve it.

  21. Another clear example of determination is when Jamal manages to get onto Who Wants To Be a Millionaire. He knew that his lover regularly watched the show with her ruthless master, so Jamal figured that if he got on the show she would see him, and realize she loved him, and find him, and then happy ending... Turned out to be what actually happened, how sweet.

    As for Siddhartha, he only seemed determined to reach enlightenment, and spent his whole life trying different methods to accomplish this goal. Finally, like Jamal, Siddhartha accomplishes his goal.

  22. When Jamal did that to see the star it proves his willingness and determination to seek what he wants the most. much like siddhartha they are both very determined people who will face horrible challenges to acheive their goals

  23. This movie star is a person he looked up to, like a role model. He was determined to see him just as he was determined to find Latika through out the film. Siddhartha is the same in determination but different in the way he does this. He figures things out by questioning and wanting to know what is happened and getting all the knowledge in the world.

  24. Jamal's determination is almost like obsession. He would do any thing-like jump in to the latrine puddle-to acheive his ultimate goal. Jamal also did not let go off the memories of Latika even though she was someone else's wife. He also went on the show just because Latika might watch him. Jamal's desire for one thing would cause him to do anything. Siddhartha was similar to Jamal in this way. He was once a brahmans' son. He became samanas even though his father did not allow it. Siddhartha, then, met Kamala and he changed himself into total opposite from what he was just to be with her. When he is interested in something, he dig deep till he is sick of it. I do not know Jamal is sick of Latika yet. However, Jamal did all kinds of different things to find Latika, just like Siddhartha finding his enlightenment.

  25. Jamal is extremely determined through out the whole movie. He first shows it when he dives into the latrine just to get an autograph. In a way it seems that he can achieve anything. It's kind of like "if you set your mind to it you can achieve it" and Jamal surely achieves what he's looking for. This relates to Siddartha because Siddartha is also determined to achieve enlightenment and he goes through so muchh just to achieve it

  26. Jamal is extremely determined through out the whole movie. We first see this when he dives into the latrine just to get an autograph. With the determination that Jamal has he can achieve what ever he wants to. It's kind of like "you can do anything you set your mind to", and surely enough Jamal can. This relates to Siddartha because Siddartha is also determined to find enlightenment and he goes through so much just to achieve it

  27. Throughout the whole film Jamal is very determined in everything he does. Specifically speaking when he jumped into the latrine pit to see the movie star. He wasn't going to let a small set back destroy his goals and asperations. Another example during the movie is when Latika tells him to not come to see her and to not wait for her, but in the end him waiting at the train stationed payed off and he saw her even though she was taken away from him by a group of men... this made him even more determined to get her back which flips back to resemble Siddhartha. Siddhartha was very determined just like Jamal. Siddhartha had to find a better answer for everything that he had learned from his teachers and was always determined that he was going to find answers to things that no one had answers for.

  28. Jamal did whatever it took to get his star's autograph. he did the same when he constan;y was trying to find latika. Siddhartha was similar to jamal because they both are determined to reach thier goals

  29. Jamal was determined to get this autograph and to catch a glimpse of his favorite movie star. This show's that he did not care what people thought. He showed another mjor determination throughout the movie by always looking for Latika and never giving up on little hope. I think him and siddhartha are similar due to the fact that they both never give up on their goals and finally reach it.

  30. Jamal never quit. He never stoped finding Latika, though no one, especially Salim, thought that was possible. However, he did succeed and got what he wanted. Siddhartha showed his longing for ascetic life when he was a prince. He obeyed his father, but nothing can stop him. Jamal and Siddhartha were similiar in the will the had to reach the goal.

  31. When Jamal jumps into the latrine it shows that he is very headstrong and will go to great lengths to get what he wants. This is also prevalent when he is looking for Latika and manages to find her out of all the people in Mumbai. Siddhartha is the same, for example, when he wanted to go into the forest and become a semana he stood in a room until his father agreed to let him go. That is how they both are alike; they are both very strong-willed.

  32. this shows that jamal is determined in everything he does. he will do anything to achieve his goal. he is also dedicated enough to jump in a pit of poop to get what he wants. he also never gives up on latika. even though he hasnt seen her in a while, he still never gives up hope on her.yes siddhartha is also determined because he does whatever possible to reach enlightenment

  33. Determinations Jamal and Siddhartha has made are permanent and robust. Jamal kept finding Latika since he had gone from Mamans and tried everything he could to encounter her. Siddhartha kept tracing ways to reach the enlightenment throughout confronting many people and conceptions. Determinations they made were not either fluent or stable. Their backgrounds were totally different, and initials they got were distinguished through circumstances such as wealth, education, and food. Despite the discrepancies, they put an effort to trace thier ultimae goals.

  34. Jamal's shows great determination throughout the movie. It starts when he jumps intor a pile of feces just to get the autograph of an actor. You see his determination with Latika as well. Troughout the whole movie he is constantly trying to get her attention, or he is constantly trying to find her. In the end he determination pays off.

  35. Siddhartha also has great determination because he keeps going around to try and find the best teacher to teach him all they can. Also he does whatever he can to reach enlightenment.

  36. Jamal and Siddhartha both have great determination. Jamal's determination thoughout the movie is consistent. He rather jump into the latrine pit and get his idles autograph. He was determined to get that. Just like he is determined to find Latika throughout the whole movie. He went on the game show hoping Latika would be watching. He is always trying to find her. At the end all his determination and hard worked payed off for him and he got her.

  37. siddhartha is like jamal because they both know what they want and are willing to do anything to get there. siddhartha does this by leaving his perfect life to go and become religious, and jamal does this when he dives into poo.

  38. 1. I think that this shows his determination because he is willing to dive into a pit of crap just to get this movie star’s autograph. Not too many people would be willing to do this. Another scene where Jamal shows his determination is when he tells Latika that he will wait at the train station every day until she comes. He is willing to wait forever for her. Siddhartha also shows this determination when he tells his father that he will wait until his death for his father to let him go and become a Samana.

  39. Jamal shows us early on that he will do anything to get what he wants. He continues to show this through the movie in many different ways. Siddhartha also has this determination for finding his enlightenment. He tries everything, and in the end gets what he wants, just like Jamal with Latika.

  40. His determination truly comes out to the surface when he dives into a pile of crap just to see a movie star. Not so many people, including myself as well, would not do that kind of thing just to take a glimpse at someone who they admire.
    His desire to look for Latica also shows his determination. He never gave up on finding her, and as a result, his dream of being together with Latika became true.
    Siddhartha, likewise, is very determined to do whatever he wants to do. He would abandon his family or his friend just to reach enlightenment.
