Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

What does the title mean? How does the title and the
contrasts within it provide a summary of the film?


  1. It is an oxymorone because slumdogs were people who lived in the slums of india. They were very poor. For him to go on a show where you can win a million rupees is amazing because poeople who are known as slumdogs usually arent very smart. It summerizes the whole story by telling us of what his life is and who he is as a person and what will come.

  2. The title of this movie basically means 'Person who lives in poverty; person who is a millionaire.' The two terms contrast and are complete and total opposites and it gives the idea that a person in poverty somehow finds his life's journey being led to being a millionaire.

  3. The film's title Slumdog Millionaire is two complete opposites put together. Slumdogs is a degrading title to call an extremely poor person. It provides a summary for the film because the title describes his life and where he came from to become a millionaire. For example the film The Persuit of Happiness creates the same summary of the path and struggle from nothing to happiness.

  4. It is true that "slumdogmillionaire" is an oxymoron. However, it describes Jamal perfectly for he rises from the 'slums' of India to become a millionaire.

  5. This title explains the realism of society in india. Slumdog is what most middle and lower classes are refered too. It is an oxymorone,comparing two complete opposites and it makes the title more intriguing. With Jamal born into a poor lifestyle he is called a slumdog. Becoming a millionare would change his life in so many ways and give him so much confidence as a character.

  6. I believe its a true underdog story, this poor kid from india loses his mother and the girl who truly mean's the world to him. But in the end he becomes a millionaire and sets the girl free from all her troubles and does everything in his power to make it happen.

  7. The title's meaning is two opposite words. A slumdog is poor and a millionaire is obviously rich. Jamal grows up in the slum and later becomes a millionaire so he is both a slumdog and a millionaire. Every question he gets asked in the movie he relates back to his life in the slum. Without the experience of being a slumdog he would have never won all the money.

  8. The title Slumdog Millionaire, are two very opposite words put together as one, to make a title. The title makes the movie sound intresting because it has Slumdog, which is someone who is poor, or lower class, and it has the complete opposite a millionaire. A slumdog from India ends up winning a million dollars and being with the one he loves.

  9. the title contrasts the two words slumdog and millionare like it does character throughout the movie. jamal stays in a straight and hard working path while his brother attempts to get rich quick by working for the gangster. in the end, we see that the slumdog is the one who tried to take the easy way and the millionare is the one who kept at it and worked hard

  10. Slumdog millionaire can pretty much explain itself because Slumdog pretty much just means that its dirty and at the beginning of the movie the kids are really dirty and they live in a Slum. Later in the movie Jamal goes on a tv show thats just like who wants to be a millionaire and he wins the show which discribes that part of the title.

  11. This title means that someone from a slum part of the town is going to become a millionaire. This title has slumdog which most would think of someone that doesn't own much of anything and millionaire which people would think that whoever is a millionaire has it all. From this title you can conclude that a slum is going to become a millionaire.

  12. The title sums up the movie because Jamal is a kid who comes from a slum in India and becomes a millionaire. It shows that where you are brought up doesn't have to influence your knowledge on topics that only highly educated people are expected to know about.

  13. The title of this movie does help give you an idea of what the movie is about. Jamal is a young boy who lives in the slums of India. Him and his brother become independent because their mother is killed. While on their own Jamal meets a young girl named Latika and she continuely gets taken away. He later onsigns up to be on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" because he thinks she will be watching. After winning he was accused of cheating because he is a slum and slums are not considered smart. "What the hell can a slumdog possibly know?" This was a quote from one of the officers. They explained that even the highest doctors couldn't win so how could he.

  14. Slumdog and millionaire completely contrast each other. The question of 'how is this kid from the slums able to become a millionaire’ is constantly posed which goes to show the prejudices a slumdog would face.

  15. The title means that someone from the poorest part of the town, the slums, will become a millionaire. It provides a summary because the title explains the whole movie. Jamal is a slumdog and never had anything good in life until the chance to be on the game show and become a millionaire.

  16. The title means someone in poverty-Jamal- becoming a millioniare. The title contradicts itself very much so because a slumdog is a very poor person and a millionaire is clearly a very rich person. Jamal being a slumdog and becoming a millionaire is just amazing to see even in a film because just like that his life changed to the complete opposite of what it was.

  17. I think the title was rigthly chosen since it barely happens. Millionaire and slumdog are two terms that are completely constrast. The title simply analyzed an anecdote that barely comes out. The title motivates people to wonder these unrelated terms.

  18. The title is a oxy moron because the title is two different words. Slumdog is someone who lives in the slums and is poor. And a millionaire is obviously someone who is rich. Jamal lives in the slums and had nothing going for him until he got a chance to win a million.

  19. The title 'Slumdog Millionaire' can be broken down to the slumdog which is someone from the least fortunate part of a city. Which is commonly refereed to as the slums. And the millionaire part of the title represents, Jamal who lived in the slums and became a millionaire through a television game show. This title summarizes the movie because it shows that, Jamal, someone who lives in the slums, is going to break free and maybe become a millionaire.

  20. the title "Slumdog Millionare" basically means having nothing to having it all. jamal grew up as a poor slumdog and then after being on the show "who wants to be a millionare" becomes rich.

  21. A slumdog, and a millionaire are seemingly on opposite ends of the spectrum. In the title, slumdog comes first, and its fitting since for most of his life, Jamal is a true slumdog, who serves tea as his job. Millionaire comes second, and that is what he becomes after a successful venture into the world of TV game shows. Jamal legitimately wins 20 million Indian Rupees on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire defying all the critics who don't believe a slumdog could possibly be that smart.

  22. The title Slumdog Millionaire tells of how a poor kid gets a lucky chance to appear on the hit show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? and win the game. Jamal is a young man that has gone through a lot of hard times in life like losing his mother and leaving in the worst conditions possible, but he has a chance to win a million dollars. The title shows these two words that have two totally different meanings, but it describes this one kid. Slumdog is poor person who lives in a bad neighborhood and a millionaire who has the best out of life with money and possessions. Jamal proved you don't need to a super genius and you could change people's view of you if you prove you can.

  23. The title "Slumdog Millionaire" is th perfect title for the main character. Jamal is born and raised a slumdog (which is a very poor person in the projects) until when he enters the show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire". He ends up winning the show and gains millions of dollars, hence the title "Slumdog Millionaire".

  24. The title of this movie "Slumdog Millionaire" explains the whole story through it. Slumdogs are people who live in the slums of India. Which are people that are very very poor with no education. But in the title Millionaire is ment by that a person from the slums becomes a millionaire. Through the show Who wants to be a Millionaire.

  25. Slumdog means people who lives in the slum. They called them slum"Dog" because people in india think slumdogs are lower than just a human being. They are poor and live among trashes. However, in the movie, slumdog millionaire, Jamal wins 20 million rupees from the TV shoe, Who wants to be a Millionaire. Winning that amount of money as a slumdog is nearly impossible and it is irony because meanings of slumdog and millionaire are exact opposite.

  26. the title Slumdog millionaire is portraying that someone who is less fortunate and lives or lived in the slum's is going to become a millionaire, as shown in the movie with Jamal winning Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

  27. The title simply tells you the result of the movie with a slumdog becoming a millionaire. However, its more complicated than that. The two words slumdog and millionaire are complete antonyms. They essentially gesture towards two different types of lives, yet the fact that they are different makes it very complex and interesting. The title and the summary of the movie contrast in the fact that Jamal (the slumdog) gets the chance to play on a game show and is able to answer the questions to win a million dollars. Not only has he won money, but he has won or gained more pride because he attained the "unattainable" and was able to do it by himself since he knew the answers due to his unique childhood.

  28. SLumdog Milionaire means a person who lives in the worst conditions possible in India becoming a millionaire. Its a stroy of from rags to riches.

  29. The title "Slumdog Millionaire" contradicts it self. Slumdog is a generally a person who is poor and lives in a slum (over crowded shanty houses), while millionaire totally controverts the title.
    It summarizes the movie by the title being simple yet in it self complicating. Starting off as a Slumdog and becoming a millionaire.

  30. I think the title "Slumdog Millionaire" means exactly what it says; A person living in a slum is or becomes a millionaire. This title draws your attention because of the irony used. How could a poor, uneducated man become a millionaire? That is exactly what ends up happening in the movie, so the title kind of almost gives it away. It contrasts because if Jamal didn't live in a slum he wouldn't have known the answers.

  31. a slumdog is someone who lives in the slums of india and is not suppose to be a millionaire. it is something that almost never happens. it is very unlikely and when it does happens it is a big deal.

  32. This title indicates the plot of the film that a person with a poor background can become a millionaire with his own effort. It also shows the common belief in India that people have their destiny. This is a film that presents the conflict of tradition and personal effort.

  33. The title of the movie tells us that it is about a poor person living in bad conditions becomes a millionaire somehow. The title is an oxymoron. slumdogs are also people that are seen as not educated well. Jamal had to use his life struggles to figure out the answers to the questions, not his basic knowledge.

  34. the title of this movie is basically an oximoron. A slum dog is a person living in almost the worst conditions in the world, and a millionarire lives in the best. The title tells us about a person who gets really lucky.

  35. The title really speaks for itself. It is about a man from the slums of India, or “Slumdog”, that becomes a million through both luck and determination.

  36. Slumdog Millionaire. The title, just like Daniel said speaks for itself. The theme of this contrats is shown repeatedly throughout this movie. One of the questions that is asked of him is "what can a slumdog possibly know?" and Jamal answers with simply "the answers"...this shows that even if someone is a "slumdog", they can still win a game show, because he has had experiences that make him rich with knowledge.

  37. The two words, slumdog and millionaire, contradict to each other because one is poor and the other is rich. This oxymoron, however, well fits into the movie because Jamal, who is a slumdog, eventually becomes millionaire by winning a quiz show.
